Spark Projects

Bite-size, time-bound poverty-fighting ventures

At Project Possible, our response to the challenge of poverty isn’t big programmes with lofty ambitions. It’s bite-size, achievable and time-bound projects filled with possibility. We call them spark projects and here are the latest ones just waiting to get off the ground.

Projects in need of support

With your help, they can get up and running

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The Fair-Trading Farmers of Soroti

100% funded


Local women, who’ve known poverty and hunger, are setting up enterprises to trade good quality local produce at competitive prices.

Democratic Republic of Congo

The Stylish Shopkeepers of Kinshasa

100% funded


Previously exploited and abused, five strong minded women from Kinshasa are ready to open new shops and re-define their future.


The Digitally-Connected Families of El Alto

100% funded


Two talented families, who've faced ill treatment, have set up small enterprises and are wanting to grow their poverty-fighting ventures.


The Trailblazing Teachers of Malkangiri

Funded closed

These young teachers want to inspire local children to love learning by teaching them in their own language for the first time.


The Tenacious Tradesmen of Naivasha

Funded closed

Life on the streets taught these young men that nothing is for free. Now skilled tradesmen they are eager to work hard and be masters of their own future.


The Shining Light Designers of Gilgit

Funded closed

Six women, held back by tradition but brimming with ideas and confidence for a better future

South Africa

The Good Food Apprentices of Roodewal

100% funded


A past fuelled by drugs and gang life won’t stop these four young men from believing they can turn their lives around with newfound skills


The Talented Family Traders of El Alto

100% funded


Three close-knit families, united by exploitation and trauma, carry incredible dreams to kickstart individual family businesses


The Determined Women of N'Djamena

100% funded


Three young women, in a country notorious for gender inequality and youth unemployment, are determined to become independent entrepreneurs.


The Adept Artisans of Santo Domingo

100% funded


Their disability hasn't stopped them dreaming. Of a better life, of launching a venture together that will allow them to provide for themselves and their families.

Democratic Republic of Congo

The ‘Belle Couture’ Dressmakers of Kinshasa

100% funded


Exploited and abused, this group of resilient women from Kinshasa are full of ideas and ambition to kickstart their own tailoring businesses.


The Close-Knit Sunshine Entrepreneurs of Naivasha

100% funded


They've survived life on the streets, but now this band of brothers-in-arms dream of using their new-found skills to change the direction of their future.

Previous Spark Projects

Next generation projects

Hands-on, early-stage nurturing projects

Coming alongside forgotten people – sex workers, recovering addicts, widows – we work with local partners on the ground to restore dignity and provide hands-on skills training, helping people see greater possibilities for their lives.

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