Malkangiri, India

The Trailblazing Teachers of Malkangiri

Length of project: 12 months

Partner: Asha Kiran Society

As young children we experienced years of poor teaching. We had ambitions but felt excluded as lessons were in languages we didn’t understand. We struggled to reach our potential.

Now education is coming to our local villages in a new way. Children can learn in their own local language through play and games. We’re ready to inspire the next generation to succeed in school and break free from poverty.

Haribala wants children to learn to read in their own local language

Funding for this project is closed

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Keep track of this project as it gets up and running

Our first update on this project will be coming soon.

Their story

Inspiring the next generation

We are six young people who come from small villages in remote hills of Malkangiri. Close knit communities, where everyone knows everyone, but far from towns and schools.

We were five when we left home to go to school.

We had to grow up quickly living in hostels. We found lessons hard as we didn’t understand the language teachers spoke. We learnt by rote, repeating and memorising, not understanding. We had ambitions to be teachers, policemen, nurses, but it was hard. We returned to our villages to farm our families’ land.

We were excited to hear about Project Possible setting up schools in our local community. Children are taught through play, games, songs, all in local languages. So different from our experience of school.

Now we have the chance to be teachers to children in our own villages. We have been given induction training and have been working as trainees. We want to help children from our villages to learn in their own language, succeed in school and break free from poverty.

Chance to teach children from their own villages
“I have always dreamt of becoming a teacher. I am so excited by this chance. I would love to be a head teacher in my own village.” Surendra's hope

Their project

Helping children to learn in their own language

Project Possible will work with Indian partner, Asha Kiran Society, to help Surendra, Haribala and four other teachers in their first year as teachers.

We’ll be working closely with our partners to:

  • Provide each teacher with a small monthly allowance
  • Provide training on the curriculum and training methods
  • Provide one to one mentoring and supervision to develop their skills and gain confidence in their teaching abilities.

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