Big change comes from small beginnings

It just needs a spark to get started...

The people we work with in the small corners of the world, they’ve had a tough start to life. And yet they aren’t lost, helpless or stationary. Quite the opposite, actually. They are brimming with ideas for how to change their circumstances, full of possibility just waiting to go.

But they need a spark to get started – and that is where you come in...

Will you be the spark?

What that looks like in practice

Our promise

To all our supporters

We'll respect your choice of project

Your gift really will go towards your chosen project. All of your gift will be project-focused, with nothing going towards admin or fundraising.

We’ll only start projects once they are funded

We want every poverty-fighting venture to get off the ground, but we won’t launch a project unless we have the funds.

We’ll keep projects bite-sized and time-bound

There is razor-like focus to these projects – with set budgets, fixed timelines, achievable goals – and perhaps most of all, a clear start and finish date.

We’ll keep you connected with your project

We are in regular touch with our local partners (the ones who are working side-by-side with the poverty-fighting entrepreneurs) and promise to share exciting developments from your chosen project via email.

A 'smaller conversation'

How we talk about poverty

In the past, those of us in the West had a tendency to see ourselves as ‘coming to the rescue’ to people ‘trapped in poverty’ across the globe. But the world has moved on – and we think it’s time the conversation around poverty did too.

At Project Possible, we like to refer to this as a 'smaller' conversation - a way of talking about the work we do that makes sense for people like you.

The hero of his story

It’s time we moved away from talk that is outdated and demeaning (“helping the victims of oppression”) whilst at the same time avoiding language that feels removed and impenetrable (“building the capacity of local communities to sustainably support themselves”).

It’s time for a ‘smaller conversation’ – one that is grounded and relatable; where the language used is more considerate and honouring; where we speak about the people we are getting behind in the way we ourselves would want to be spoken about.

At Project Possible, we’re committed to speaking in a way that reflects our relationships. In a way that respects those we work with around the world, but also tries to be clear and plain-spoken with our supporters.

We always appreciate any feedback on our work – and would especially value any feedback on whether we are managing to deliver on this promise of a ‘smaller’ (more honouring and relatable) way of communicating.

Latest spark projects

Bite-size, time-bound poverty-fighting ventures


The Fair-Trading Farmers of Soroti

100% funded


Local women, who’ve known poverty and hunger, are setting up enterprises to trade good quality local produce at competitive prices.

Democratic Republic of Congo

The Stylish Shopkeepers of Kinshasa

100% funded


Previously exploited and abused, five strong minded women from Kinshasa are ready to open new shops and re-define their future.


The Digitally-Connected Families of El Alto

100% funded


Two talented families, who've faced ill treatment, have set up small enterprises and are wanting to grow their poverty-fighting ventures.

Join us in creating sustainable livelihoods

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