We believe small is beautiful

Our work is rooted in the belief that big change comes from small beginnings. As lives are transformed, they become the spark for others in their community.

Since 1990 (when we were known as ROPE), we have been coming alongside overlooked people in the small corners of the world. We provide the encouragement, funds and training they need to get their own poverty-fighting ventures off the ground and take a hold of a future more hope-filled than their past.

Why do we do it? Because we believe the ‘fullness of life’ Jesus promised is for everyone – including those who might be small in the eyes of the world.

They are not small in our eyes

Our vision

To see lives lived in fullness and hope with lasting transformation in small and disadvantaged communities.

Our mission

We partner with Christian communities around the world to open up opportunities where doors have been closed due to social disadvantage. We join forces to make their projects possible, working to spark a lasting impact, which restores their sense of value and vocation.

Our values

We are committed to prayer
We are committed to transparency, integrity and accountability
We are committed to respect and dignity
We are committed to relationships with compassion and generosity
We are committed to the whole person
We are committed to sustainable partnerships

Our beginnings

In the words of our Founder, Michael Wood MBE

This is the story of the charity, which was originally founded as ROPE. It's told in the words of our visionary Founder, Michael Wood.

He may have passed in 2016, but the legacy of what he began back in 1990 lives on to this day through the ongoing work of Project Possible.

Michael Wood MBE founded ROPE in 1990

On where it all began...

“I had visited a number of places on my travels where I saw terrible suffering. It seemed no-one cared for those who were destitute and oppressed. But I saw how many could run small businesses effectively if only finance was available. With this in mind I formed ROPE, to aid the poorest of the poor.”

On funding small businesses...

"I used to ask people I met: 'If funded, what could you do to alleviate people's situation here?' I found it took very little to change someone's life and give them hope. The small business loans we offer are amazingly effective. Being able to work to support your family restores dignity and changes lives."

On the heart motivation...

“It's impossible not to have a heart of compassion when you see a family living in a shanty town in Brazil, unwanted elderly beggars in Addis Ababa, a young girl in Sierra Leone trapped in prostitution to feed her mother and siblings, the filth and starvation in refugee camps, children mutilated to make them more successful beggars in Bangladesh, the plight of widows in India. I still weep over it."

On living out our faith...

“I think it is very important that Christians realise it is extremely near the heart of Jesus Christ that you care for the poor wherever they may be found. Matthew 25 speaks about caring for the deprived and oppressed people and it seems that is very near the heart of the ministry of Jesus.”

On doing things differently...

“Many agencies spend a great deal of time sending out people from Western Europe or America to show national people in developing countries how to do certain things...but if you have people there who already know the language and the customs and can find out what the needs really are and scratch where people are itching...then you are able to cut through the bureaucracy and deal with things much more quickly.”

The charity today

In many ways, the world is a different place today than it was back in those early days of ROPE. At the same time, the compassionate heart and practical approach that Michael adopted in response to the needs of the world remains core to the work of Project Possible today.

Latest spark projects

Bite-size, time-bound poverty-fighting ventures


The Fair-Trading Farmers of Soroti

100% funded


Local women, who’ve known poverty and hunger, are setting up enterprises to trade good quality local produce at competitive prices.

Democratic Republic of Congo

The Stylish Shopkeepers of Kinshasa

100% funded


Previously exploited and abused, five strong minded women from Kinshasa are ready to open new shops and re-define their future.


The Digitally-Connected Families of El Alto

100% funded


Two talented families, who've faced ill treatment, have set up small enterprises and are wanting to grow their poverty-fighting ventures.

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