N’Djamena, Chad

The Determined Women of N'Djamena

Length of project: 12 months

Partner: FEEEJ

We’ve studied hard at school. Some of us even have degrees and yet our country's failing economy means that jobs are hard to find. We don’t want to join the statistics and be one of the 75,000 graduates in Chad that are unemployed.

With our businesses we have the potential to become independent business women.

Project details
Lea has a tailor-made venture

This project is fully funded

But other projects need your support


Keep track of this project as it gets up and running

Project funded!

We are delighted that the Determined Women of N’Djamena spark project is now fully funded. We are currently sharing this good news with Lea, Nadege and Eliane.

We thank everyone who donated so generously giving these three young entrepreneurs the opportunity to set up their innovative businesses.

You have been the spark to help them realise their potential.

We will be in touch very soon with a thank you postcard followed by regular updates on how they are progressing as they get their poverty-fighting ventures underway.

Thank you for being the spark to Lea, Nadege and Eliane.

By Jenny Rooke

Messages from supporters

Prayers, encouragements and shout outs

John £30

I wish you every success and may your enthusiasm bring you a just reward

phillip £700.00

May Jesus give you all the gifts to fllfill your full potential and more for his glory and your blessing to you and your community.

Colin £10

We pray for these entrepreneurial women and that their business will succeed.

Marion £10

We wish you all every success as you take on these wonderful projects for your community. God Bless your efforts

Their story

Meet Eliane, Lea and Nadege

We are entrepreneurs with innovative ideas. Project Possible has given us the encouragement and support to believe that we can turn our lives around and begin to support our families. We may be young women, but there are gaps in the market and we plan to fill those with new businesses.

One of us plans to grow a mini corner shop for the community, another will be creating tailor-made outfits for neighbours and friends, and another will set up a milling service for grains, groundnuts and condiments. Each of our exciting new plans will meet the needs of our local community and prove that women can achieve anything they set their minds to.

Innovative ideas to serve their community
“I studied in Cameroon and have a law degree, but I haven’t managed to find any paid work since returning to Chad. I see the need for a milling service every time I go to the market. My idea to start a milling business will help me become independent and give back to my family.” Nadege's innovative idea

Their project

Three businesses for the whole community

We’ll be working closely with our partner in Chad, FEEEJ, to help Eliane, Lea and Nadege to kick-start their ventures:

  1. Funding each entrepreneur with a start-up grant and three months of financial support to develop their new businesses
  2. Purchasing all the tools and stock needed to give them the best start
  3. Providing business mentoring and training for one year
Resourceful women waiting to get their ventures started

Other Spark projects

Bite-size, time-bound poverty-fighting ventures


The Fair-Trading Farmers of Soroti

100% funded


Local women, who’ve known poverty and hunger, are setting up enterprises to trade good quality local produce at competitive prices.

Democratic Republic of Congo

The Stylish Shopkeepers of Kinshasa

100% funded


Previously exploited and abused, five strong minded women from Kinshasa are ready to open new shops and re-define their future.

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