Roodewal, South Africa

The Good Food Apprentices of Roodewal

Length of project: 12 months

Partner: Change Makers

Like 80% of the children in our community, we grew up in families facing alcohol abuse, breakdown and sometimes domestic violence. This sobering reality in our childhood, led us to being pulled into street gangs where alcohol and drug abuse was commonplace.

This might have been our past but it is no longer our future. We have already turned our lives around and now are ready for the next step - learning new skills in a new venture that gives us a fresh start.

Project details
Meet Granville

This project is fully funded

But other projects need your support


Keep track of this project as it gets up and running

Project funded!

We are delighted that the Good Food Apprentices of Roodewal spark project is now fully funded. We are currently sharing this good news with Granville, Mohammed and the other apprentices.

We thank everyone who donated so generously giving these men the opportunity to serve their local community by growing organic vegetables and preparing delicious meals for our partner’s pop-up restaurant.

You have been the spark to help them realise their potential.

We will be in touch very soon with a thank you postcard followed by regular updates on how they are progressing as they get their poverty-fighting venture underway.

Thank you for being the spark to Granville, Mohammed and the other apprentices.

By Jenny Rooke

Messages from supporters

Prayers, encouragements and shout outs

Alexander £10

Sounds a fantastic project for these young men who deserve a better future. Very best wishes and may God bless you!

Helen £30

Well done for turning your lives around and embracing this new venture, which is very exciting, I'm sure you will offer a valuable service to your community

Belinda Olds Da £5

Well done to everyone.

Their story

A fresh start

Addictions and gang life left us feeling trapped and isolated. Growing up in broken homes, with little money or opportunities we ended up doing things that we regret - but deep down we wanted a better life. Yet it’s hard to make a fresh start when no-one believes in you.

But there was something different about Project Possible. Gang members and addicts who left their building looked changed. Transformation suddenly seemed possible. Project Possible helped us kick our addictions and now they’re giving us the opportunity to develop usable skills in catering and horticulture.

Throughout the pandemic we’ve had the chance to work in a weekly soup kitchen, serving food to local people in need. Now we can’t wait to begin to learn the art of growing organic vegetables, preparing delicious meals and running a pop-up restaurant. Through our hard work and determination we’ll be able to serve the community and find ways to pass on our skills.

The men begin to realise their potential
“I grew up on a farm and learnt about growing vegetables from my grandfather. I love to see plants grow and want to receive training so that I can grow vegetables that are different – fresh and very tasty. I want to grow things with my own hands and provide for myself.” Granville

Their project

Food for the whole community

We’ll be working with our South African partner, Change Makers, to help Granville, Mohammed and two fellow apprentices to hit the ground running.

We’ll be working closely with our partners to:

  • Provide the funding for a year of training in the catering and organic farming industry
  • Support each man with emotional and spiritual discipleship as they continue to move away from their past and rewrite a new future
  • Mentoring sessions and as they reach the end of their apprenticeship help to look for full-time employment
Lazard and Granville visit the field they will be farming

Other Spark projects

Bite-size, time-bound poverty-fighting ventures


The Fair-Trading Farmers of Soroti

100% funded


Local women, who’ve known poverty and hunger, are setting up enterprises to trade good quality local produce at competitive prices.

Democratic Republic of Congo

The Stylish Shopkeepers of Kinshasa

100% funded


Previously exploited and abused, five strong minded women from Kinshasa are ready to open new shops and re-define their future.

Join us in creating sustainable livelihoods

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