Spiritual care


Help women in DRC who have experienced exploitation, to encounter hope and healing.

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Philomene's story

Spiritual care

When Philomene* discovered there is hope and salvation in Christ, it completely transformed her life.

Philomene had a dream of studying law, but when her father passed away, she had to drop out of school. With no means to provide for herself, she succumbed to exploitation from men in return for financial support.

She was in a very dark place when she met two of our evangelists. They invited her to a Bible study at our partner’s centre and it was there she encountered God’s love for the first time.

Today, Philomene is free from exploitation - and thriving. She’s in her second year of training in tailoring and is continuing to deepen her faith. She especially loves singing to the Lord. She also has a new dream to set up a business with her best friend and fellow trainee, Gabie*, so they can support themselves.

*Names have been changed due to sensitivity

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