Help a child to walk


Provide specialist surgery, physiotherapy and modified shoes so children in Kenya can walk pain-free.

Read how this gift will release possibility

Dresh's story

Help a child to walk

10-year-old Dresh loves his football. He loves it so much that he wants to become a football player when he grows up. However, Dresh was born with club foot, a condition where his feet twist inwards, making it painful to walk. His condition was so severe that he had to crawl to move around, and his grandmother carried him to school and back.

“I wanted to give up school” said Dresh, “I had had enough of the jokes.”

During our partner’s medical outreach, Dresh’s grandmother saw a poster of the incredible change surgery had brought for another child. She reached out to our partner straight away and set up an appointment.

Today, thanks to the surgery and physiotherapy, Dresh happily walks to school. What’s more, he can run and play football with his friends!

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