
Florence's story

Find out more about Florence, a farmer from our Youth Action for Uganda (YAU) projects.

Florence is 50 years old and was one of the first farmers to join Youth Action for Uganda (YAU) projects. She started with green gram project, she also joined groundnut project and two years ago she joined the Tithe to Thrive scheme. By then she was already quite established as a farmer providing enough food for her family through growing crops.

Florence is quite entrepreneurial and to grow her family’s income she has turned her attention from growing crops to livestock rearing. She invested a small amount of cash she had raised from her crop farming and together with her husband, started a commercial piggery project.

The piggery project now earns them income of about £100 per month. They have 33 pigs in their farm and have a plan to recruit someone to help them in farm. They also have a plan to fence and construct new sty houses to accommodate large numbers of pigs. Their dream for the future is to set up a pork butcher shop in their town.

Florence and her husband are just two of the farmers that with support from our partners have learnt to farm sustainably and built an income from their land.

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