
Edward's story

Supporting children to break the cycle of exploitation and poverty their parents experienced.

Creative therapies help children with anxiety in Bolivia.

We support children in El Alto, Bolivia, whose mothers have lived a life of exploitation and are finding their way to a new life. These children are vulnerable to abuse, mental health problems and further exploitation. Together with our partners, Project Possible is working to end this vicious cycle. By providing after school support, cooked meals, therapy and fun activities, children in Bolivia are learning that they are loved, accepted and have remarkable potential.

Our work has been supporting Edward, who struggles with anxiety, affecting his behaviour and his relationship with his parents. He has received help to manage his anxiety, applying techniques he has learnt through therapeutic workshops. He has come to realise that playing music can help reduce his anxiety levels and so has begun to play the guitar. Though sometimes the journey is challenging to walk beside Edward, his mentor is excited to see how God will move in Edward’s life.

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